Cyber security experts

As our reliance on computer systems to communicate, complete work, and move money around increases, protecting digital assets becomes increasingly important. With security at its core, our IT service gives businesses the defences they need, and crucially, gives staff the training and tools they need to maintain digital fortification.
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Experts at protecting company resources

Good cyber security should consist of a number of different tools and strategies, layered on top of each other so that if one, or even two, defences are breached, others are standing in the way to prevent an attacker accessing important data.

Our Managed IT Service installs these defences within your organisation. We provide you with the digital tooling required to keep attackers at bay, but we’ll also give your team the skills they need to stay vigilant against attacks.

Experts at protecting company resources

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If you'd like to find out more about how Impelling services can protect your business and its data, feel free to leave your details and we'll give you a call back at a time that suits.

Work from anywhere, securely

In the past, the office used to be the fortress that protected company data. Next to the paper files, digital documents would be stored on a server only accessible by those that were physically inside the building and connected to the office network. These days, things are changing quickly, and now it’s common practice for work to take place anywhere, whether that’s on a train, the local coffee shop, or for those lucky enough a beach in a hot country. 

This new way of working carries risk however, without the office playing the role as the central secure place it's easier for data to fall into the wrong hands, whether that’s through a malicious attack or even an innocent mistake by an employee.

As an experienced managed IT provider we’re able to give you the tools that allow you to work from anywhere, as well as provide the framework that ensures that you’re able to do so securely, and without fear of important data getting into the wrong hands.

Work from anywhere, securely

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