About us

Impelling is a Managed Service Provider, or MSP, or IT support company... Whatever you want to call us, we're a company providing managed IT services, support, strategy and advisory services to businesses in the across the whole of the UK.

We were founded in 2012 by our Managing Director Chris Foulstone, and since then we've established ourselves as one of the UK's leading MSPs. 

We pride ourselves on the quality of our service, and our commitment to our customers. We see ourselves as IT partners, in the true sense of the word, with our purpose the pursuit of shared growth, by helping the people we work with  to succeed.

We're very bad at taking photos on the rare occasions we're all get together. A more recent team photo coming soon!

What makes us different


We believe in a streamlined, standardised approach to IT support because it allows us to continuously refine our service offering, and deliver our service to the highest possible standards. We don't dilute our efforts across a multitude of services, instead we focus on a core group of products and services that are proven to help our partners.


We understand claiming innovation in the digital space is hardly groundbreaking, but we do believe we're at the forefront of the MSP industry in terms of the approach and technology we deploy. With an automation focused, remote delivery first approach, we maximise the value we're able to deploy for our clients.


IT companies often boast about fast response times, but what use is a quick hello if your issue has to be bounced up the chain of expertise before it gets resolved? We eschew the traditional tiered support structure, and instead direct resources into capable, qualified technicians who don't just resolve issues quickly, but prevent them re-occurring.


Our team is a bit of a melting pot. We come from a wide range of backgrounds, beliefs, nationalities, and even former careers. From construction, education, and hospitality, our team members bring a wealth of experience to the table. This diversity allows us to connect with our customers, and often allows us to think outside of the box when it comes to the planning and strategy aspects of IT

Contact us

03333 4444 59 [email protected] Leave us a message