Our guarantees

Our guarantees are designed to give you confidence in our IT support services. These commitments are in place to minimise IT disruption, protect your data, and ensure our standard of IT support is the best it can possibly be.
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No hidden costs

We want our pricing to be clear and simple, so that our customers understand their investment and can make realistic decisions when it comes to planning and strategy.

Our managed IT service comprises of a single monthly fee, and we even include most project work as part of that monthly fee. For our customers, this means there are no unexpected bills when things go wrong and no surprises when new IT features or functionality are introduced.

Of course, we can't anticipate every last cost. However, on the rare occasion when we do need to bill outside of our monthly fee, we promise to be transparent about those costs, so there are no surprises.

No hidden costs

Money back if we don't deliver on SLAs

Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are important. They are our promise to you that we will provide the support you need, ensuring your users get help when required.

Missing the goals outlined in SLAs is a significant issue, and something both parties want to avoid at all costs. To emphasise their importance and solidify our commitment to meeting our agreements, we offer a money-back guarantee if we fail to deliver.

Our customer contracts include a predefined rate that we will refund, which increases based on the length or severity of the incident where a user went without help.

Money back if we don't deliver on SLAs

Stay working while onboarding

We understand that change can be disruptive, and there's no two ways about it – moving IT providers or switching technologies causes disruption. Sometimes it's just unavoidable.

However, this disruption shouldn't mean your staff have to stop working. That's where our "stay working while onboarding" guarantee comes in.

We'll work with you to plan when the disruption happens and create alternative plans so that all staff have a way to continue their work.

Again, this is back by a money back guarantee. If we fail to keep your staff effective while onboarding takes place, we'll refund any associated onboarding costs.

Stay working while onboarding

Data protection taken seriously

Keeping company data safe from cyber attacks isn't a simple exercise. It involves much more than ticking some boxes on a form to say you're Cyber Essentials certified, and there's no magic bullet to instantly make all your data safe. It takes continual effort, training, and vigilance.

As a business, we take our own data protection very seriously and have developed several methods to ensure we stay on top of our efforts and keep our data well protected.

As your IT partner, we believe it's only right to pass that knowledge on to our customers and protect their data as if it were our own.

Data protection taken seriously

Request a callback

Questions about how we ensure we keep these guarantees? We're happy to explain. Drop us a line and we'll give you a call back at a time to suit you.

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