Case study - Deploying Microsoft 365 Power Automate for a property company

The challenge

Our customer manages a large number of properties, and with many properties on the books, there are many routine maintenance tasks that need organisation and attention on a regular basis

The customer needed a solution that would allow them to keep a detailed log of the maintenance requests, and track communication between contractors so multiple members of staff could keep track of requests while in progress.

Before they approached us for a solution, everything was tracked across multiple spreadsheets, and while this system did work initially, at scale it was becoming difficult to manage.

How Impelling helped

When the customer approached us for a solution, we looked at multiple different ways to tackle the problem, ranging from off the shelf solutions, to commissioning a bespoke application. We settled on Microsoft Power Automate because we were confident it had the functionality the customer needed, with the bonus of being included as part of their existing Microsoft 365 license. Additionally, our managed IT service includes project work of this nature, which meant we could help this customer without charging them anything extra. 

Our team built a solution that allows staff to complete a simple form every time a new maintenance request arises. This is fed into a central database accessible by all staff, who can keep the entire team updated by logging updates, communication with contractors and other important details about each request.

Since being installed, the system has overseen hundreds of requests, and the team are thrilled with its effectiveness.The customer lead on the project, had this to say about our technician Andrius:

"Andrius is amazing! he explains thing in an easy way to understand! He is wonderful"

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