Introducing Unspun - The new name for the Impelling website division

Chris Foulstone

22nd July 2022

Since this article, due to some difficulties with the iD name, we've rebranded yet again, to Unspun. Go and look at Unspun on their website!

We're rebranding! Not the whole company, just the small part that does website, branding, and graphic design.

Why? Glad you asked. Let me explain.

Since the beginning, Impelling has always had three main arms to the business - Websites, IT, and Education IT. As we grow we're increasingly facing challenges when it comes to the business identity in terms of marketing and how we're perceived to potential customers. Some people know us as Impelling the IT company, and others know us as Impelling the website people, and frankly it's getting just as confusing for us as it is for everybody else.

The managed IT arm of the business has enjoyed a period of success recently, and as we continue to push that service nationally, we want the message to be as clear, focused, and undiluted as possible. 

We still love making websites though, and the website arm of the business is still going strong, so while the main Impelling brand gets all of the IT love and attention, we thought it only right to give websites their own spotlight with a fresh new brand identity all to itself.

iD stands for Impelling Design, and we hope it encompasses everything that you know and love about the Impelling web department. The iD team are a small team with a reputation for punching well above their weight in terms of the quality and impact of their work. 

Over at iD, everything will remain the same. Same people, same prices, same low quality humour from Neil. All that changes is the name, and we hope you're as excited about the fresh lick of paint as we are.

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