COVID-19's impact on Impelling services

Chris Foulstone
22nd March 2020

As the COVID-19 pandemic develops, we are encountering new challenges and situations the likes of which we've never seen before. Our plan is to remain operational, supporting our clients however we can, whilst still adhering to government guidelines, and doing all we can to protect the safety and well being of our staff and customers.
As the situation develops and government measures and advice changes our service will be impacted in different ways. We'll be keeping this blog post up to date with all of the latest information about our services and effect the corona virus is having on them.
Whatever happens, we have support technicians available to provide remote support from their homes. If you have an IT request, feel free to get in contact via the usual means: by raising a ticket through the website (, by emailing [email protected], or by calling us on 03333 4444 89.
Education IT services
All regular site visits are suspended
To safeguard staff, pupils and parents who are key workers, all regular site visits to school are suspended until further notice. Critical work, and planned installation work will continue, and we'll be coordinating with schools to limit our exposure when coming to site to carry this work out.
Business IT services
Non essential site work suspended
We'll be attempting to solve all business IT support requests remotely, only visiting site if the issue is essential and critical to the continuity of your business. If you need help getting staff who are working from home connected, we can help, get in touch and we can discuss your requirements.
Other services and day to day operations
Any of our other website, hosting, and cloud services can be managed by ourselves remotely and will continue as normal. If you have any extra requests, again our team is here to help should you need to put any notices on your website, or alter services as a result of the virus.
Until government advice changes, we'll be hosting all our meetings online. If you are planning to visit the office, please ring ahead beforehand and we can determine whether a video conference is more appropriate.